Groupe H2O

Water Treatment, Pump, and Well in Saint-Adolphe-d’Howard

Puits artésien St-Adolphe_Groupe H2O

Project Summary

The project involves water treatment and artesian wells in Saint-Adolphe-d’Howard. We started our first artesian well of 2024 a month ahead of the previous season.

Artesian Well Features

  • Depth: 400 feet
  • Flow rate: 80 gallons per hour

Such a well can meet the needs of a residence with 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. How can you be sure the flow is sufficient? It’s simple: we use precise calculations, taking into account several factors.

Flow Calculation

We calculate the well’s flow by considering the number of bathrooms, number of bedrooms, well depth, and natural flow. These elements help determine if the well can satisfy the residence’s water needs.

Artesian Well Water Treatment System

To ensure clean and potable water, we install an artesian well water treatment system. This includes well pumps, artesian well water filters, and artesian well water softeners. These components are crucial to ensuring that the water flowing from the tap is healthy.

Resolving Common Problems

If you have problems with brown water in an artesian well, there are solutions. Specific filters can remove these impurities. The water pumps and treatment systems are designed to ensure quality water.

Expertise and Trust for Your Well Water

Thanks to our expertise in water treatment and artesian wells, your residence can have constant access to clean and reliable water. If you need an assessment or installation, our team is ready to help. Contact us for more information.

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