Groupe H2O

Water Treatment in Mont-Tremblant

Traitement d'eau à Mont-Tremblant Groupe H2O

Project Background

In Mont-Tremblant, residential water treatment facilities can be as complex as commercial systems. For this project, the client wanted a dual installation to avoid any risk of failure. The house was large, with multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, requiring a robust water treatment system.

Installation of Water Pump Reservoirs

To ensure a constant water supply, we installed water pump reservoirs. These reservoirs allow treated water to accumulate at low flow rates. Thus, the system can provide high-pressure water during peak periods, such as in the morning when everyone is taking a shower.

Water Treatment Method

The system includes accumulation reservoirs and high-pressure pumps. Treated water is stored in the reservoirs and then pumped at high speed when demand is high. This type of water treatment ensures that drinking water is always available, even when multiple appliances are running simultaneously.

Why Choose a Dual Installation?

  • Safety: Having dual installations reduces the risk of failure.
  • Performance: A dual system can handle high demand.
  • Reliability: Water pump reservoirs and pumps offer a constant flow.

Project Results

After installation, the system was tested to ensure optimal operation. The client found that the dual system provided stable water pressure even during peak periods. The water treatment methods used ensure that the water remains clean and drinkable.

Contact Us for Your Water Treatment Needs

Do you need water treatment or installation of water pump reservoirs? Groupe H2O can assist you with reliable and effective solutions. Contact us for more information or for a personalized consultation.

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