Groupe H2O

Water Treatment in Val-David

Système Filtre Catalyseurs Val-David

Project Background

We successfully installed a potable water treatment system in Val-David. The project aimed to address issues with iron and manganese in the water, as well as ensuring effective disinfection for safe domestic use.

Stages of Potable Water Treatment

The installation included several steps to ensure clean and healthy water:

  • Catalytic Filter: We used a blend of filter media, including Centaur and Birm.
  • UV Disinfection: The client had issues with total coliforms in their water. We installed a VH410-F20 type UV disinfection system.

Advantages of the Catalytic Filter

The catalytic filter has unique advantages:

  • No Regenerant: Unlike other systems, it does not use salt or chlorine.
  • Home Water Filter: This filter is ideal for purifying water at home, effectively treating iron and manganese.

Disinfection of the Artesian Well

UV System VH410-F20: This UV system is excellent for disinfection. Even after cleaning the artesian well, the client still had issues with coliforms. This UV system is designed to kill bacteria, thus ensuring safe potable water.

Project Results

Post-Installation: After the installation, the water was much cleaner. The catalytic filter reduced the levels of iron and manganese. The UV disinfection eliminated the coliforms, ensuring the water is safe for health. The client now has purer and healthier water for their daily needs.

Solutions for Your Water Treatment

Issues with Ferrous Water or Coliforms: Do you have problems with ferrous water or coliforms in your artesian well? Groupe H2O offers effective solutions to treat these issues. We provide water filtration and disinfection services for artesian wells. Contact us for a consultation or to learn more about our water treatment methods.

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