Groupe H2O

The activated carbon filter

What is an activated carbon filter?

Activated carbon, also called activated carbon, is very commonly used in water treatment. It is a filter media prepared from organic substances like wood and coconut. As water flows through the activated carbon, impurities and odors settle on the surface of the filter. 

Activated carbon is sold in two different forms. It can be offered in a filter cartridge made of compressed powder. It is also found in granules in the composition of a filter designed to make a backwash.

Activated carbon is mainly used to correct taste and odor. It is also used to reduce the presence of lead or hydrocarbon compounds in water as well as certain organic substances.

It is often used to filter water from a lake. It then makes the water clearer. We say to “bleach” it. It also removes the earthy smell and taste it might have.

In addition, since lake water is always considered undrinkable and therefore must always be treated with bleach, the carbon filter can also remove the chlorine taste left by this disinfection.

Here are the advantages of the carbon filter:

  • Has a very good performance/price ratio.
  • Has a good life span.
  • Can remove many contaminants.
  • Does not alter the pH.
  • Can be used with other filters.
  • Does not contain chemical additives.

And some disadvantages:

  • Do not remove:
    • Dissolved solids
    • Some minerals
    • Viruses
  • May cause bacterial growth.

Installation : $

Maintenance : $

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